Jan 31, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Gen on a generation's final journey in Star Trek: Nemesis. We comment about the EASY killer button, the overuse of green, the history of Romulus and Remus, the choice of not going the Patrick Stuart vs Patrick Stuart way, the ill fitting Federation suits and, of course, a little Troy...
Jan 24, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Frank to Shadaloo where they witness Street Fighter: The Movie. We talk about Jean-Claude Van Damme's weird voiceover, fast food franchising in Bisonopolis, terrorist flee markets, Bison's slight megalomaniac problem, Ryu's lack of peripheral vision and the lack of fighting in a movie...
Jan 15, 2011
This Episode takes John D. and Gen to the planet of youth in Star Trek: Insurrection. We talk about the new official uniform, the Baku as a race of deep sleepers, Worf's great introduction, Picard's worst romantic storyline ever, Riker's giggling and Levar Burton's Reading Rainbow. We rant about the cheap holodeck,...
Jan 12, 2011
Jan 10, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Gen to the brand new Enterprise E, in Star Trek: First Contact. We return to our regular recording schedule and bring you some news that we might have missed in the last month, including David Tennant's engagement, movies based on comic books in 2011 and some discussion about...