Sep 20, 2018
This week we’re paying homage to the late, great Burt Reynolds, who passed away earlier this month, with one of his most famous roles. But we’re also celebrating the start of football season with a gridiron classic. When a disgraced quarterback runs afoul of the law, he must field a team of hardened convicts to take on the abusive guards in a game behind bars and on the gridiron. The Longest Yard, directed by Hollywood legend Robert Aldrich, further cemented Burt Reynolds’ movie star status while making a killing at the box office. But does the movie, which also spawned a mega-successful remake in 2005, score a touchdown with our hosts, or should it be sent to the swamp?
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and may explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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