Aug 21, 2011
This episode takes
Evil Robot Frank and John D. into the final round of the Rocky
franchise in Rocky Balboa. We discuss Rocky's new entourage, his
grip on the past, the relationships with old characters, the
evolution of our favorite boxer and we rank our favorite opus of
the series.
On the news front we talk the Smurf...
Jul 19, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Evil Robot Frank back to Philadelphia as they witness Rocky going back to the basics in Rocky 5. We comment on Tommy Gun, Rocky's brain damage issue and get sidetracked in some epic way. On the news front, Daniel Craig's Money Penny may have been cast, Harry Potter's alcohol problem and...
May 14, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Frank to Russia as the cold war is fought in Rocky 4. We discuss the unsanctioned boxing matches that bring Rocky to Russia, the force of nature that is Dolph Lungren, the MTV style of montage and the incredible training scene of the Italian Stallion in the snow. We continue the go the...
Apr 10, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Frank to a 3rd round of boxing in
Rocky 3. We comment on Rocky's new mansion, his driving
skills, the number of courses he has to take to do commercials and
his new found relationship with Apollo. We also discuss Rocky's
return to his roots and having to find his motivations.
We go...
Mar 28, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Frank to the second round in the Rocky saga, simply titled Rocky 2. We go through the choice of location for Rocky's proposal, the incredible training that he’s able to achieve in two weeks, his new choice of clothes and how good he is at managing money. We also discuss some major...