Feb 25, 2022
Director Jeymes Samuel’s debut film brings together the all-stars of the American Wild West - Nat Love, Rufus Buck, Marshall Bass Reeves, “Stagecoach” Mary Fields, and “Treacherous” Trudy Smith, among others - all real-life historical figures, and all of them black - in a team-up movie for Netflix. And...
Feb 17, 2022
Director Walter Hill’s third movie adapted source material based on Greek history following an army of soldiers on a long march home across hostile territory. In this case, the soldiers are a group of street toughs making their way across a 1970s New York City populated by colorful gangs. When the film was released,...
Feb 9, 2022
Director John Carpenter always wanted to make a martial-arts movie. He got his chance with his eighth feature film - and his third time teaming up with actor Kurt Russell - an action-comedy set in the mythical and murky underworld of San Francisco’s Chinatown. Fox rushed the movie through production and release to...
Feb 2, 2022
The creator of John Wick and director of Hardcore Henry teamed up to create an action-comedy movie starring Better Call Saul actor Bob Odenkirk. What more do you need to know, buddy? Originally postponed by the pandemic, the film was released in theaters in March ‘21 with a PVOD release a month later. It turns out...