Jun 29, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Beef to the 60’s as they witness X-Men: First Class. We discuss roster selection, favorite power, favorite scene, favorite everything and we can’t stop loving this movie. On the news front: Batman's new Batmobile for his new Live stage show, some Crow reboot, an adaptation of Spy VS...
Jun 22, 2011
This episode takes
John D. and Beef to the past has they discover the X-Men Origins
We comment on Wolverine new band of merry mutant, the quality of
the script and the fun factor. We also go though some mutant
choices and miss opportunity.
On the new front we discuss the reviews of Green Lantern
Jun 13, 2011
This episode takes John D. and Beef to the Xavier institute again as they witness X-Men: The Last Stand. A battle of epic proportions take place as your two co-hosts go toe to toe and fight to know if this movie is worth watching. We also discuss the new mutants, the last minute change in directors and some...
Jun 6, 2011
This episode takes John D., Beef and special guest Nikkie back to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning where they meet more merry mutants in X-Men 2: X-Men United. We discuss some of our favorite scenes, the awesomeness that is Mystique, claw vs nails and the choice of the new villain, William Striker. On the news...