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Hi and Welcome to Legends Podcast Here we discuss Entertainment Legends, and Legendary entertainment. Cult, Classic, New, Old, Original, Sequels, Reboot, Remake, web, TV and more, for better or worse. Come and meet Beef, Lobster , Rum Daddy, and many other special guest as we comment on our favorite entertainment.

Sep 7, 2010

This episode takes John D. and Gen back to 1985 as they try to get Back to the Future. We wonder about what has changed since 1985, if Eric Stoltz would have been a good Marty and how much money was made by product placement. We are puzzled by the way alcoholism, drug abuse, bribery, gunfire, incest, sexual assault and terrorism are portrayed in this family movie. Once again we draw parallels to Star Trek, but this time it’s not our fault: Darth Vader brought it up.

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over fourteen years ago

Ahhh, okay thanks for the clarification!

fourteen and a half years ago

Enjoyed the podcast. Got a good laugh at your definition of a "hope chest". You both were off the mark just a bit. A hope chest was traditionally used to collect items of clothing, dishes, household linen, etc. by young unmarried women in anticipation of married life.