Oct 17, 2010
This episode takes John D. and Gen aboard the Enterprise as we
launch the Star Trek arc starting with a double feature including
an episode from the Original Series: "Space Seeds’’ and ‘’Star Trek
II: The Wrath of Khan’’! We of course talk about Ricardo
Montalban's chest, the Shat's acting abilities and the introduction
of the Kobayashi Maru. We tangent all over the place, talking about
John D. meeting Kevin Smith, Gen's Halloween costume, Leonard
Nimoy's career, why we are afraid of teleportation and the arrival
of Netflix in Canada. For some reason we can’t stop screaming
‘’KHHAAAANNNN’’ and wonder how many fans stop the Shat in the
street while screaming it.
We officially changed our podcast format; we no longer do a
chronological recap of the movie, we now let the magic happen on
its own and we go with the flow. Let us know what you think of the
new format.
You can find us on iTunes under ''Legends Podcast''. Please
subscribe and give us a positive review! You can also follow us on
Twitter @LegendsPodcast for updates and to voice your opinion
about which movies we should cover in future episodes. Or even
better, send us an e-mail at Legends.Podcast@hotmail.com or leave
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For those who haven't listened to the podcast, I'll summarize it. Ready? Here we go. "Khaaaaaan!" "Yes?" "Nice chest."