Mar 20, 2019
Captain Marvel, the twenty-first installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, arrived in theaters earlier this month on International Women's Day. The long-awaited film, starring Brie Larson, was the first MCU outing toplined by a female character. Set in the 1990s as a prequel to the main storyline, Captain Marvel featured a de-aged performance by Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, as well as references that flesh out the backstory of the cinematic universe. Despite a troll campaign to derail the film via review bombing, Captain Marvel smashed expectations and scored a box office haul in the top ten opening weekends of all time. But does Captain Marvel earn “top gun” with our hosts, or is the film full of sound and Fury, but signifying nothing special?
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and may explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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