Jan 16, 2019
We’re back in the bathroom of
the cinematic calendar - the month of January - and this year we’re
hitting the bargain bins to dig up some turds from the comic book
movie genre. Grab some TP (and some Band Aids) because the streets
are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood - this is
“visionary director” Zack Snyder comes the long-awaited adaptation
of the greatest graphic novel of all time: Watchmen. Released in
2009 and based on the 1987 work by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons,
Snyder’s Watchmen instantly divided fans and critics. Was it too
long, too dark, and too violent, or was it simply being faithful to
the source material? Or did it stick to the letter of the source
too slavishly, while failing to capture the spirit of the
groundbreaking book, once called unfilmable by Moore, who refused
to be named in the credits? Regardless, the end result was a
moderate box office success. Now our hosts will seek to answer the
age-old question: who watches Watchmen - if they can help
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and may explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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