Dec 17, 2018
One-hundred and fifteen episodes
ago, Wing, Beef, and Shark Taco decreed that Highlander was one of
the worst movies they’d ever seen. It joined Spring Breakers at the
bottom of the ratings chart, where it has remained until this day.
This has stuck in Lobster’s craw since he joined the podcast two
years ago. Now is the time of The Gathering, when an elderly
Spaniard will join Lobster in the fray to defend Highlander’s
honor. The Prize, if they win: the film will be redeemed. If they
lose, it will live forever as the worst of the worst. In the end,
this is Legends Four Hundred and (There Can Be Only)
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and may explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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