May 10, 2018
The Marvel Cinematic Universe spent 18 films building to an epic showdown with Thanos, the Mad Titan. Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of ten years’ worth of storytelling, featuring dozens of characters, various locations across the cosmos, and stakes high enough to bring together Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Master of the Mystic Arts, and your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. While the film has already broken box office records around the globe, it has left lingering questions about the future of MCU and the nature of filmmaking itself. Now, Legends Podcast sits down to talk about the movie while we watch the sun rise on a grateful - or ungrateful - universe. Just don’t call us plucky - we don’t know what it means.
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and may explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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