Jul 17, 2024
This week we’re hitting the back half of Season 2 with the episodes “Players Only,” “The Man Advantage,” and “Accountability.” The Bulldogs are on their way to a perfect season with only two games remaining, but with distractions all around, will they be able to focus up and become the best team in the league, ever? First Shoresy has to help the Jims find a fourth man for their trivia team, then help Frankie keep his head in the game after being dumped (again), then deal with the debt the team owes to the Policetti brothers, and then deal with the NOSHO commissioners after getting suspended. Shoresy has his work cut out for him, but there’s something real shiny waiting for him at the end of it. Sixty hard miles to go! Let’s run ‘em up and fill ‘em in!
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