May 1, 2021
Playwright Mart Crowley’s The Boys in the Band opened in 1968 as an Off-Broadway production with a limited engagement - just five curtain calls. However, the show’s popularity led to a change in venue to a larger theater where it ran for 1,001 performances from April of ‘68 to 1970. In 1970, William Friedkin directed the original cast in a film version from a script by Crowley, which made waves as the first mainstream film to use the “C” Word. In 2018, a Tony Award-winning Broadway revival opened for the play’s 50th anniversary, with Jim Parsons, Matt Bomer and Zachary Quinto leading a cast of all out gay actors. In 2020, Netflix released the Ryan Murphy-produced film version of the revived play with that cast - which won the 2021 GLAAD Media Award for Limited Release Film. Legends Podcast is spending the whole month exploring gay and lesbian cinema in what we’re calling Gaypril, and we’re wrapping up the month with The Boys in the Band!
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