Apr 22, 2021
Director Jamie Babbit made her feature debut in 1999 after she found success at Sundance with her short film Sleeping Beauties. Starring Natasha Lyonne as a high school cheerleader sent to conversion therapy camp, the film also features Clea DuVall and Melanie Lynskey as her fellow lesbian campers, along with Cathy Moriarty and RuPaul as the staff in the pink and blue John Waters-esque dreamscape of the True Directions camp. The film earned an initial rating of NC-17 from the MPAA, as did American Pie, the other 1999 sex comedy that featured Lyonne. But while the film where a guy has sexual relations with his dessert went on to spawn multiple sequels, this subversive yet sweet take-down of homophobic sterotypes remains relatively obscure. Legends Podcast is spending the whole month exploring gay and lesbian cinema in what we’re calling Gaypril. We’re all podcasters here - But I’m a Cheerleader - is the name of the movie!
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