Jul 15, 2016
The entertainment news for the week ending Thursday July 14th, 2016 as seen by Beef, Wing and Shark Taco. As usual, we discuss news from the world of entertainment from movies to TV, the web and more. Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and will contain explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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Show notes
Best news Ive seen all week http://gizmodo.com/nintendos-new-console-is-just-adorable-1783661792
StarWars rebels season 3, nice sized clip.. Keeps looking great http://io9.gizmodo.com/ezras-got-a-new-look-and-a-new-lightsaber-in-the-first-1783611238
Greatest GOT recap/long trailer! Narated by Samuel MuthaFknJackson .. worth the time http://io9.gizmodo.com/let-samuel-l-jackson-explain-game-of-motherfucking-thr-1783578612
Killing joke, not Mark hamill’s last joker http://geektyrant.com/news/batman-the-killing-joke-wont-mark-hamills-last-time-playing-the-joker
NOt even china can save warcraft! http://io9.gizmodo.com/not-even-china-could-save-the-warcraft-movie-1783583506
Alien Covenant Dark? AWSOME! http://geektyrant.com/news/danny-mcbride-says-theres-no-comedy-in-alien-covenant-this-shit-is-dark
Weaver on Blomkamps, years away, alien flick http://geektyrant.com/news/neill-blomkamps-alien-sequel-is-still-years-away-will-explore-primal-needs-of-the-aliens
Super-Hero Bash!
Suicide squad, a 125 + million opening weekend??? http://geektyrant.com/news/early-projections-say-suicide-squad-could-have-a-125-million-opening-weekend
A monster calls.. Kinda feels never ending story, yet dif, http://io9.gizmodo.com/this-new-a-monster-calls-trailer-is-simply-stunning-1783593455
Star Wars
Starwars EP VIII wraps Photog http://geektyrant.com/news/daisy-ridley-shares-a-photo-of-rey-as-star-wars-episode-viii-wraps-production
Old BB models and Ewoks day jobs http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-ewoks-had-a-very-unexpected-job-after-return-of-the-1783548821
Wow someone wrote an article of what we’ve been saying for years http://io9.gizmodo.com/some-movies-are-so-worried-about-setting-up-a-sequel-th-1783200609
GOT theme played in old floppy drives n ish! Omg omg omg omg omg http://geektyrant.com/news/listen-game-of-thrones-theme-song-played-on-64-floppy-disk-drives
CUZ COSPLAY http://cosplay.kotaku.com/anime-expos-cosplay-was-fantastic-1783557530
Mask dance scene recreated cosplay http://geektyrant.com/news/cosplayers-recreate-dance-scene-from-the-mask