Apr 14, 2016
The entertainment news for the week ending Thursday, April 13th, 2016 as seen by Beef and Wing. As usual, we discuss news from the world of entertainment from movies to TV, the web and more. Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! These discussions will be spoiler filled and will contain explicit language, so consider yourself warned.
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Show notes
Black explain when Predator will take place http://collider.com/predator-3-timeline-shane-black/
Ayer explain those Suicide Squad Reshoots http://collider.com/suicide-squad-reshoots-david-ayer-batman/
MIB23 and Spider-Man Homecoming or Sony bad titles http://collider.com/spider-man-reboot-homecoming-title/
Joker weird gift to his co-stars http://collider.com/suicide-squad-jared-leto-acting/
Underworld 5 gets a title Blood Wars http://collider.com/underworld-5-blood-wars/
Warner working with Affleck on a Stand alone Batflick http://collider.com/batman-movie-ben-affleck/
Kingsmen the Golden Circle adds Elton John http://collider.com/kingsman-2-elton-john/
Charlize Theron is ready for more Mad Max http://collider.com/mad-max-fury-road-sequel-charlize-theron/
Draft house to tour with Star Wars Original trilogy http://collider.com/star-wars-original-trilogy-returns-theaters/
Dark Tower finally starts principal photography http://comicbook.com/2016/04/13/the-dark-tower-has-started-filming/
Bill and Ted 3 has a script, director and stars. Waiting for shooting date to be announce http://comicbook.com/2016/04/13/bill-and-ted-3-has-a-script-director-and-studio/
Mark Rilance ready for more Spieldberg in Ready Player One http://comicbook.com/2016/04/13/mark-rylance-cast-in-ready-player-one/
Sony going ahead with Emoji movie http://io9.gizmodo.com/we-finally-know-how-sony-will-make-a-whole-movie-about-1770811274
Keaton eyed to play Spidey Villains in Homecoming. Rumors of the Vulture http://heroichollywood.com/breaking-micheal-keaton-eyed-play-bad-guy-spider-man-homecoming/
Doctor Strange is here! http://collider.com/doctor-strange-trailer/
New Kidman/Walken movie..haha i'll rent this! https://youtu.be/wgp-saEl62M
Harry Potter spinoff gets a second trailer https://youtu.be/18f1uaOtlS0
Suicide Squad Blitz trailer https://youtu.be/XyOJJpD9490
Manhattan nights looks cute https://youtu.be/xgy8mH3diew
Star Wars
Episode 8 Countdown 610 days
__hours __mins
Han’s jacket sells for 191k!!! http://comicbook.com/2016/04/13/harrison-fords-han-solo-jacket-sells-for-191-000/
Rogue One real trailer this
Quadriplegic plays guitar hero! Thank you science! http://gizmodo.com/brain-implant-enables-quadriplegic-man-to-play-guitar-h-1770566874